印度总理莫迪在旁遮普邦发生导致八人死亡的公交车事故后表示慰问和财政援助。 Indian PM Modi offers condolences and financial aid after a bus accident in Punjab killed eight.
总理纳伦德拉·莫迪 (Narendra Modi) 向旁遮普邦巴廷达 (Bathinda) 的公共汽车事故中丧生的八名遇难者的家属表示哀悼,并宣布向每位遇难者家属提供 20 万卢比的特惠金,并向受伤者提供 50,000 卢比的特惠金。 Prime Minister Narendra Modi offered condolences and announced an ex-gratia of Rs 2 lakh to the families of each of the eight victims killed in a bus accident in Bathinda, Punjab, and Rs 50,000 to the injured. 事故发生在一辆超速行驶的公共汽车失去控制时。 The accident occurred when a speeding bus lost control. 总统 Droupadi Murmu 和 Aam Aadmi 党领导人 Arvind Kejriwal 也表达了他们的哀悼。 President Droupadi Murmu and Aam Aadmi Party leader Arvind Kejriwal also expressed their condolences. 其中 5 名死者的身份已被确认,正在努力帮助受影响的家庭。 Five of the deceased have been identified, with efforts to help the affected families.