在孟买,一艘印度海军船只撞上一艘客轮,造成13人死亡;救援工作挽救了99人。 13 died in Mumbai when an Indian Navy boat hit a passenger ferry; rescue efforts saved 99.
在孟买的一次船上事故中,印度海军一艘快艇在试验中与一艘客轮“Neelkamal”相撞,造成13人死亡。 In a Mumbai boat accident, 13 people died when an Indian Navy speedboat on trials collided with a passenger ferry, 'Neelkamal'. 纳伦德拉·莫迪总理表示慰问,并宣布向死者家属支付2万卢比惠给金,向受伤者支付5万卢比。 Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed condolences and announced ex-gratia payments of Rs 2 lakh to families of the deceased and Rs 50,000 to the injured. 救援行动拯救了99人,搜寻5名失踪人员的工作仍在继续。 The rescue operation saved 99 people, and the search for five missing continues. 马哈拉施特拉省首席部长还向死者家属提供5万卢比。 Maharashtra's Chief Minister also offered Rs 5 lakh to the families of the deceased. 该事件正在调查中。 The incident is under investigation.