Teresa Youngblut,21岁,被控在佛蒙特州向边境巡逻人员David Maland开枪致死。 Teresa Youngblut, 21, charged with fatal shooting of Border Patrol agent David Maland in Vermont.
一名来自华盛顿州的21岁妇女Teresa Youngblut被控在佛蒙特州枪杀美国边境巡逻员David Maland。 A 21-year-old woman from Washington state, Teresa Youngblut, has been charged with the fatal shooting of U.S. Border Patrol Agent David Maland in Vermont. 事件发生在Youngblut及其德国同伴Felix Baukholt在一次移民检查的交通站停留期间,她和她的德国同伴Felix Baukholt也在一次移民检查中死亡。 The incident occurred during a traffic stop for an immigration check involving Youngblut and her German companion, Felix Baukholt, who also died in the encounter. 由于担心Youngblut和Baukholt的行为和持有火器,他们受到联邦调查局的监视已有数天。 Youngblut and Baukholt had been under FBI surveillance for several days due to concerns about their behavior and possession of firearms. Youngblut 因使用致命武器袭击一名联邦官员而面临指控。 Youngblut faces charges for assaulting a federal officer with a deadly weapon. 关于谁开枪的细节仍然不清楚。 Details on who fired which shots remain unclear.