Galveston岛要求居民节能, 因为冬季风暴造成170个地区的断电。 Galveston Island asks residents to conserve power as winter storm causes outages in 170 areas.
由于冬季风暴造成的电力问题, 要求加尔维斯顿岛的居民节约电力, Galveston Island residents are being asked to conserve electricity due to winter storm-related power issues affecting about 170 homes and businesses. CenterPoint Energy 报告负载能力应变,尤其是 61st Street 以西。 CenterPoint Energy reports load capacity strains, especially west of 61st Street. 维修人员正在处理停电情况,但该市已在 McGuire Dent 娱乐中心和牙买加海滩市政厅开设了加暖和充电中心,以在风暴期间为居民提供帮助。 Repair crews are working on outages, but the city has opened warming and charging centers at the McGuire Dent Recreation Center and Jamaica Beach City Hall to assist residents during the storm.