严重风暴在东得克萨斯州造成大面积停电,影响数千人长达48小时。 Severe storms cause widespread power outages in East Texas, affecting thousands for up to 48 hours.
周六严重暴风雨造成东得克萨斯州大面积停电,影响数以千计的居民。 Severe storms on Saturday caused widespread power outages in East Texas, affecting thousands of residents. Entergy 和其他电力公司报告称,多个县停电,由于龙卷风和恶劣天气的广泛破坏,玻利瓦尔半岛和高岛等一些地区可能会停电长达 48 小时。 Entergy and other power companies reported outages in multiple counties, with some areas, like the Bolivar Peninsula and High Island, potentially without power for up to 48 hours due to extensive damage from a tornado and severe weather. Chambers县124号公路被关闭维修。 Highway 124 in Chambers County was closed for repairs. 电力公司正在努力尽快恢复供电。 Power companies are working to restore electricity as quickly as possible.