极端天气导致美国长时间停电,危及那些依赖医疗设备的人。 Extreme weather leads to prolonged U.S. power outages, endangering those reliant on medical devices.
极端天气事件正在美国造成更频繁和更长时间的停电,使有健康状况和残疾的人面临风险。 Extreme weather events are causing more frequent and longer power outages in the U.S., putting people with health conditions and disabilities at risk. 休斯顿的Beryl飓风导致10天停电,影响到依赖医疗装置的人。 Hurricane Beryl in Houston led to a 10-day power outage, affecting those dependent on medical devices. 得克萨斯州立法者正在考虑关于辅助生活设施的新条例,要求备用发电机和燃料在停电期间维持电力供应。 Texas lawmakers are considering new regulations for assisted living facilities, requiring backup generators and fuel to maintain power during outages. 三分之一的美国家庭因断电而挣扎。 One in three U.S. households struggles with power disconnections.