由于亚洲需求旺盛和对俄罗斯能源的制裁,油轮运费飙升超过 50%。 Tanker rates surge over 50% due to high Asian demand and sanctions on Russian energy.
由于亚洲需求旺盛和可用船舶减少,油轮运费(尤其是 VLCC)飙升了 50% 以上。 Tanker shipping rates, especially for VLCCs, are surging by over 50% due to high demand from Asia and fewer available vessels. 对俄罗斯能源和油轮的制裁正在重塑市场,推高原油价格和运费。 Sanctions on Russian energy and tankers are reshaping the market, driving up crude prices and freight rates. 虽然巴勒斯坦停火可以促进苏伊士运河的交通量,但新船交付和多功能油轮可能会限制收益。 While a ceasefire in Palestine could boost Suez Canal traffic, new ship deliveries and versatile tankers could cap gains. 市场波动很大,但由于全球石油需求和产量增加,预计市场将走强,尤其是 VLCC。 The market is volatile but expected to strengthen, particularly for VLCCs, due to increased global oil demand and production.