中国四川省发生4.9级地震,无伤亡报告。 A 4.9-magnitude earthquake hit China's Sichuan Province, with no reported casualties.
中国四川省西南洪源县于周一上午5时07分发生4.9级地震,地震中心位于地下8公里处。 A 4.9-magnitude earthquake struck Hongyuan County in southwest China's Sichuan Province on Monday at 5:07 a.m., with its epicenter 8 km below ground. 没有人员伤亡的报告。 No casualties have been reported. 地方当局已启动应急服务,并派出小组开展救援行动、灾害评估和对潜在危险进行检查。 Local authorities have activated emergency services and dispatched teams to conduct rescue operations, disaster assessments, and inspections for potential hazards.