中国新疆地区发生6.8级地震,造成人员伤亡,引发救援行动。 A 6.8-magnitude earthquake hit China's Xizang region, causing casualties and triggering rescues.
1月7日当地时间上午9时05分,中国新疆自治区丁格里县发生6.8度地震,造成多人伤亡。 A 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck Dingri County, Xizang Autonomous Region, China, on January 7 at 9:05 a.m. local time, resulting in multiple casualties and injuries. 该中心位于北纬28.5度和东经87.45度,深度为10公里。 The epicenter was located at 28.5 degrees north latitude and 87.45 degrees east longitude, at a depth of 10 kilometers. 救援工作正在进行中,军队和地方当局动员起来,协助受影响地区和居民。 Rescue efforts are underway, with military and local authorities mobilizing to assist affected areas and residents. 地震在附近的村庄和城镇造成了结构性破坏和被迫疏散。 The earthquake has caused structural damage and forced evacuations in nearby villages and towns.