4 月 29 日,中国西藏发生 4.2 级地震,暂无损失或人员伤亡报告。 4.2 magnitude earthquake strikes Xizang, China on April 29, with no reported damage or casualties.
4月29日,中国西藏发生4.2级地震,尚无损失和人员伤亡的报告。 4.2 magnitude earthquake hits China's Xizang on April 29, no reported damage or casualties. 据国家地震中心称,地震震中位于北纬 28.28 度、东经 87.87 度,震源深度 30 公里。 The earthquake's epicenter was at 28.28 latitude and 87.87 longitude, with a depth of 30 km, according to the National Centre for Seismology. 目前还没有更多详细信息。 No further details are available at this time.