爱尔兰士兵因在2021年强奸其他士兵而被判处8.5年监禁。 Irish soldier sentenced to 8.5 years for raping fellow soldier in 2021.
30岁的爱尔兰士兵Kielan Mooney因2021年在都柏林一家旅馆强奸一名24岁的女士兵而被判处八年半监禁。 Kielan Mooney, a 30-year-old Irish soldier, has been sentenced to eight-and-a-half years in prison for raping a fellow 24-year-old female soldier at a Dublin hotel in 2021. 法庭得知穆尼的行为是“自私、傲慢和强势的”, The court heard that Mooney acted in a "selfish, arrogant, and forceful way," disregarding her limits. 受害者要求匿名,声称穆尼的行为严重影响了她的心理健康。 The victim, who requested anonymity, stated that Mooney's actions had significantly impacted her mental health. 尽管证词将穆尼描绘成一个忠心耿耿的父亲,但两名妇女及其子女反驳了这一点,指出他没有看到她们,也没有支付生活费。 Despite testimonials portraying Mooney as a dedicated father, two women with his children contradicted this, noting he had not seen them and did not pay maintenance.