60岁的Barry McDonagh因1999-2000年强奸少女小姨子而被判处7.5年监禁,维持无罪。 60-year-old Barry McDonagh sentenced to 7.5 years for raping teenage sister-in-law in 1999-2000, maintaining innocence.
Barry McDonagh是来自Cork的60岁男子,因1999年至2000年期间性虐待其十几岁的小姨Pamela Mitchell,被判处七年半监禁。 Barry McDonagh, a 60-year-old man from Cork, has been sentenced to seven and a half years in prison for the sexual abuse of his teenage sister-in-law, Pamela Mitchell, between 1999 and 2000. 他被判犯有17项强奸罪和1项性攻击罪。 He was found guilty of 17 counts of rape and one count of sexual assault. 放弃匿名的受害人描述了虐待对她的生活造成的深刻负面影响。 The victim, who waived her anonymity, described the profound negative impact the abuse had on her life. 尽管McDonagh被定罪,但他坚持自己无罪,没有犯罪前科。 Despite his conviction, McDonagh maintains his innocence and has no prior criminal record.