校外保健官员因对9名8岁以上少女进行性攻击而被判处3年监禁。 Ex-school health officer sentenced to 3 years for sexually assaulting 9 teenage girls over 8 years.
Neil Clarke Beckett,前学校卫生官员和陆军学员队长,因在2015年至2023年期间对9名少女进行性攻击,被判处三年监禁,包括18个月监禁。 Neil Clarke Beckett, a former school health officer and Army Cadet leader, has been sentenced to three years in prison, including 18 months in jail, for sexually assaulting nine teenage girls between 2015 and 2023. Beckett, 44岁,被裁定犯有在掌权期间诱导和性虐待七名Lagan学院学生和两名陆军学员的罪。 Beckett, 44, was found guilty of grooming and sexually abusing seven Lagan College pupils and two Army Cadets while in a position of authority. 他被宣告强奸无罪,但因诱导一名军校学员而被定罪。 He was acquitted of rape but convicted of grooming an Army Cadet. Beckett还将无限期地列入性犯罪者登记册,并须遵守一项为期五年的《性罪行预防令》。 Beckett will also be on the Sex Offenders Register indefinitely and is subject to a five-year Sexual Offences Prevention Order.