已定罪的新西兰强奸犯Lee Josey在逃往澳大利亚后被判处15年徒刑。 Convicted New Zealand rapist Lee Josey sentenced to 15 years after fleeing to Australia.
Lee Josey是一名来自新西兰的45岁被定罪的强奸犯,因强奸和性攻击两名少女被判处15年徒刑。 Lee Josey, a 45-year-old convicted rapist from New Zealand, was sentenced to 15 years in prison for raping and sexually assaulting two teenage girls. Josey在保释期间逃往澳大利亚,但被引渡回国判刑。 Josey fled to Australia while on bail but was extradited back for sentencing. Hollister-Jones法官强调了罪行的严重性和对受害者的伤害,排除了个人减轻处罚因素。 Judge Hollister-Jones emphasized the severity of the offenses and the harm to the victims, dismissing personal mitigating factors. 受害者及其家人出庭阅读影响陈述。 The victims and their families were present in court to read impact statements.