爱尔兰 DPP 质疑士兵因袭击罪被判缓刑,寻求入狱以阻止暴力。 Irish DPP challenges soldier's suspended sentence for assault, seeking prison to deter violence.
爱尔兰检察长对一名前士兵因殴打一名因仇视同性恋而与他对质的妇女而判处的缓刑提出质疑。 The Director of Public Prosecutions in Ireland is challenging a former soldier's suspended sentence for assaulting a woman who confronted him over homophobic slurs. 公诉主任辩称,对Cathal Crotty的三年徒刑缓期执行发出了错误的信息,并寻求判处徒刑,以遏制类似罪行。 The DPP argues that the three-year suspended sentence for Cathal Crotty sends the wrong message and seeks a prison sentence to deter similar crimes. 原法官认为Crotty在军队中缺乏先前定罪和良好服役记录是减轻处罚的因素。 The original judge considered Crotty’s lack of prior convictions and good service record in the army as mitigating factors. 上诉法院正在审查此案,包括攻击事件的闭路电视录像。 The Court of Appeal is reviewing the case, including CCTV footage of the assault.