联合王国的FCA建议简化按揭规则,提高援助首次买主的限额。 UK's FCA proposes simplifying mortgage rules and raising limits to aid first-time buyers.
联合王国金融行为管理局正在寻求简化2008年金融危机后实行的按揭贷款规则。 The UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is looking to simplify mortgage lending rules introduced after the 2008 financial crisis. 潜在的变化包括提高大额抵押贷款的上限,允许个人借更多贷款,以及将借款能力计入租金支付中。 Potential changes include raising the cap on large mortgages, allowing individuals to borrow more, and factoring in rental payments for borrowing capacity. 这些调整旨在支持第一次购买者,但也可能会引起对违约风险增加的关切。 These adjustments aim to support first-time buyers but may also raise concerns about increased default risks. 此外,《公平竞争法》正在考虑取消关于无接触付款的100英镑上限。 Additionally, the FCA is considering removing the £100 cap on contactless payments.