英国监管者考虑放松抵押贷款规则以刺激经济,引发关于潜在风险的辩论。 UK regulators consider loosening mortgage rules to boost economy, sparking debate on potential risks.
联合王国金融监管机构正在考虑放松按揭规则以刺激经济,有可能使首次购买者更容易获得小额存款的较大贷款。 UK financial regulators are considering loosening mortgage rules to boost the economy, potentially making it easier for first-time buyers to get larger loans with smaller deposits. 这一举动旨在刺激增长,但引起了对人为住房价格暴涨的关切。 This move aims to stimulate growth but has raised concerns about an artificial housing price boom. 监管者还在考虑取消对无接触卡付款的100英镑限额。 The regulators are also looking at scrapping the £100 limit on contactless card payments. 批评者认为,这些变化可能会加剧住房负担能力问题,并有可能造成资产泡沫。 Critics argue that these changes could exacerbate housing affordability issues and risk creating an asset bubble.