公众信任政府、企业和富人创下新低, Public trust in government, business, and the wealthy hits new lows as six in ten feel unfairly treated.
2025年的Edelman信托晴雨表显示, 民众对政府、企业和富人不满情绪激增, 每10人中有6人觉得他们受到不公平的待遇。 The 2025 Edelman Trust Barometer shows a surge in public grievances toward government, business, and the wealthy, with six in ten people feeling they are treated unfairly. 对机构的信任很低,特别是在低收入群体中,对歧视的恐惧达到了创纪录的63%。 Trust in institutions is low, especially among lower-income groups, and fear of discrimination has reached a record high at 63%. 人们担心经济问题、工作保障、以及领导人信息的准确性。 People worry about economic issues, job security, and the accuracy of information from leaders. 高收入群体和低收入群体之间的信任差距正在扩大,许多人认为资本主义和政治制度正在失败。 Trust gaps between high and low-income groups are widening, and many feel capitalism and political systems are failing.