美国公众对科学家的信任度略有上升,达到76%,共和党人中增幅显著。 US public trust in scientists rises slightly to 76%, with notable increase among Republicans.
美国公众对科学家的信任度略有增加,从大流行病的低位上升到76%,但仍低于流行病前的水平。 Public trust in scientists in the US has slightly increased to 76%, up from pandemic lows but still below pre-pandemic levels. 皮尤研究中心的调查显示,共和党人之间的信任大幅上升,而以前共和党人之间的信任降幅最大。 The Pew Research Center survey shows a significant rise in trust among Republicans, who previously saw the steepest drop. 然而,美国人对科学家在政策决策中的作用有分歧,许多人认为科学家是差劲的传播者。 However, Americans are divided on scientists' role in policy decisions, and many view scientists as poor communicators. 随着新政府准备任命科学和卫生领导人,信任仍然是一个令人关注的问题。 Trust remains a concern as the new administration prepares to appoint science and health leaders.