格陵兰融化的冰雪揭示了矿物财富,在全球引起了人们的兴趣和关切。 Greenland's melting ice reveals mineral riches, sparking interest and concern globally.
格陵兰的冰盖正在融化 暴露出大量未开发的矿藏 可能会引发“矿藏黄金的激增” Greenland's melting ice caps are revealing vast untapped mineral reserves, potentially sparking a "mineral gold rush." 冰雪退缩暴露了关键的矿物,使采矿公司更能够进入曾经无法进入的地区。 The ice retreat exposes critical minerals, making once inaccessible areas more reachable for mining companies. 这种情况引起了对温室气体排放增加和海平面升高的关切。 This development raises concerns about increased greenhouse gas emissions and sea levels. 尽管面临恶劣气候和缺乏基础设施等挑战,但该岛拥有稀土元素的潜力吸引了包括美国在内的全球关注,寻求确保国家安全利益。 Despite challenges like harsh climate and lack of infrastructure, the island's potential for rare earth elements has attracted global interest, including from the U.S., looking to secure national security interests. 格陵兰总理愿意与美国在采矿业建立更紧密的联系,但声称格陵兰“不出售”。 Greenland's Prime Minister is open to closer ties with the U.S. in mining but asserts Greenland is "not for sale."