英国的HMRC警告740万纳税人在1月31日前申报,或面临高达900英镑的罚款。 UK's HMRC warns 7.4 million taxpayers to file by Jan 31 or face up to £900 in penalties.
联合王国的HMRC警告740万自评纳税人在1月31日前提交2023-2024年的纳税申报表,以避免处罚。 The UK's HMRC is warning 7.4 million Self Assessment taxpayers to file their 2023-2024 tax returns by January 31st to avoid penalties. 错过截止日期将处以100英镑的罚款,三个月后每天罚款10英镑(最高可达900英镑)。 Missing the deadline incurs a £100 fine, followed by daily £10 penalties (up to £900) after three months. 6个月和12个月后,将处以额外罚款,罚款额为所欠税款的5%或300英镑(其中数额更大)。 Additional fines of 5% of the tax owed or £300 (whichever is greater) apply after six and 12 months. 不付款还导致进一步处罚和对未付款项的利息。 Non-payment also results in further penalties and interest on the outstanding amount. 持续不遵守的情况可能导致法律诉讼,包括县法院的判决,可能影响职业前景。 Persistent non-compliance may lead to legal action, including County Court Judgments that can affect career prospects. 如果有合理的理由,可对处罚提出上诉。 Penalties can be appealed if there is a reasonable excuse.