HMRC警告540万英国人,他们可能因漏交纳税申报截止日期而面临100英镑的罚款。 HMRC warns 5.4 million UK individuals they may face £100 fines for missing tax return deadlines.
HMRC警告540万英国个人,他们可能因错过纳税申报期限而面临100英镑的罚款。 HMRC warns 5.4 million UK individuals they might face £100 fines for missing their tax return deadlines. 在线销售物品、自营职业者、收入超过15万英镑或每年收入超过5万英镑的索要儿童津贴者,必须申报。 Those who sell items online, are self-employed, earn over £150,000, or claim Child Benefit with an income over £50,000 annually are required to file. 处罚包括100英镑的罚款、每日费用,如未支付则加重处罚。 Penalties include a £100 fine, daily charges, and increased penalties if unpaid. 建议个人检查其在GOV.UK的税务状况,如果遇到问题,与HMRC联系。 Individuals are advised to check their tax status on GOV.UK and contact HMRC if they face issues.