美国 在得克萨斯州的行动中,元帅中弹;联邦调查局正在调查,得克萨斯州巡警队。 U.S. Marshal shot during operation in Texas; investigation ongoing by FBI, Texas Rangers.
美国 A U.S. Marshal 周三晚上在德克萨斯州圣埃利萨里奥的一次行动中被枪杀。 Marshal was shot during an operation in San Elizario, Texas, on Wednesday evening. 事件发生在11860 Socorro Rd,涉及孤星逃犯工作队。 The incident occurred at 11860 Socorro Rd, involving the Lone Star Fugitive Task Force. 受伤的警官被送往医院,联邦调查局和得克萨斯州巡警正在调查枪击事件,这是对一名联邦官员的袭击。 The injured officer was taken to a hospital, and the FBI and Texas Rangers are investigating the shooting as an assault on a federal officer. 一人被拘押,调查仍在进行中。 One person is in custody, and the investigation is ongoing.