密西西比州调查局正在调查嫌疑人被押送至联邦法院期间发生的警员枪击事件。 Mississippi Bureau of Investigation probes officer-involved shooting during suspect transport to federal courthouse.
密西西比州调查局正在调查哈蒂斯堡发生的警察枪击事件。 Mississippi Bureau of Investigation probes officer-involved shooting in Hattiesburg. 6 月 3 日,一名缉毒局特工和一名特遣队官员正在将两名嫌疑人押送到联邦法院,随后发生了争执,导致特遣队官员开枪射击了其中一名嫌疑人。 A DEA agent and a task force officer were transporting two suspects to a federal courthouse on June 3rd when an altercation ensued, leading the task force officer to discharge his weapon, striking one of the suspects. 该特工和嫌疑人均已住院。 Both the agent and the suspect were hospitalized. MBI 将与总检察长办公室分享他们的调查结果。 MBI will share their findings with the Attorney General's Office.