在北卡罗来纳州夏洛特的一次联合特遣队行动中,多名执法人员遭到枪击。 Multiple law enforcement officers were shot in Charlotte, NC during a joint task force operation.
在美国北卡罗来纳州夏洛特的一场激烈枪战中,多名执法人员遭到枪击。 Multiple law enforcement officers were shot in Charlotte, North Carolina during an active scene involving the U.S. 元帅特别工作组是由不同机构的官员组成的联合调查小组。 Marshal's Task Force, a joint investigation team made up of officers from various agencies. 夏洛特-梅克伦堡警察局报告称,警员遭到枪击,正在被送往医院。 The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department reported that the officers were struck by gunfire and were being transported to the hospital. 情况正在进一步恶化,特警队已抵达现场。 The situation is ongoing, and a SWAT team is present at the scene. 目前尚不清楚受伤警员的具体人数和情况。 The exact number of injured officers and their conditions are currently unknown.