Pest United Kingdom提醒屋主注意, 1月的鼠类入侵达到高峰, Pest UK alerts homeowners that January peaks for rodent invasions seeking warmth and food.
1月是大鼠、小鼠和松鼠入侵家庭寻找温暖和食物的高峰时间。 Pest UK warns that January is a peak time for rats, mice, and squirrels to invade homes in search of warmth and food. 这些害虫通过吞噬结构和电线可造成重大损害。 These pests can cause significant damage by gnawing on structures and wires. 为了防止侵袭,专家们建议适当储存食物、及时处理垃圾、堵塞管子周围的缺口以及使用防松鼠食鸟器。 To prevent infestations, experts recommend proper food storage, timely rubbish disposal, sealing gaps around pipes, and using squirrel-proof bird feeders.