Orkin将迈阿密、坦帕、奥兰多、达拉斯和休斯顿列为2024年受老鼠困扰的美国顶级城市之一。 Orkin lists Miami, Tampa, Orlando, Dallas, and Houston among the top U.S. cities plagued by rats in 2024.
佩斯控股公司Orkin已确认迈阿密、坦帕、奥兰多、达拉斯、休斯顿、底特律、大快道、弗林特、西雅图、里士满和火奴鲁鲁是2024年美国最受老鼠侵袭的城市。 Pest control company Orkin has identified Miami, Tampa, Orlando, Dallas, Houston, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Flint, Seattle, Richmond, and Honolulu as some of the most rat-infested cities in the US for 2024. 排名所依据的是2023年9月1日至2024年8月31日期间新的住宅鼠类治疗。 The ranking is based on new residential rodent treatments from September 1, 2023, to August 31, 2024. 据Orkin's John Kane说,老鼠通过咀嚼墙壁、管道和电线可造成重大损害,从而可能导致火灾。 According to Orkin's John Kane, rats can cause significant damage by chewing through walls, piping, and wiring, which can lead to fires.