4名已康复的猩猩被放入印度尼西亚受保护的森林,以扩大野生人口。 Four rehabilitated orangutans are released into a protected forest in Indonesia to boost wild populations.
在印度尼西亚东加里曼丹,4个已恢复的猩猩——Paluy、Bonti、Jojo和Mary——被释放到一个受保护的森林。 Four rehabilitated orangutans—Paluy, Bonti, Jojo, and Mary—were released into a protected forest in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. 正在对从消极互动中解救出来的或以前作为宠物保存起来的猩猩进行监测,以确保它们适应自然生境。 The orangutans, who were either rescued from negative interactions or previously kept as pets, are being monitored to ensure they adapt to their natural habitat. 释放的目的是增加猩猩的人口,帮助他们在野外独立生活。 The release aims to increase the orangutan population and help them live independently in the wild.