自 2011 年重新引入计划以来,Jantho 自然保护区出生了第七只苏门答腊猩猩。 7th Sumatran orangutan birth at Jantho Nature Reserve since 2011 reintroduction program.
一只健康的苏门答腊猩猩宝宝在印度尼西亚亚齐省詹托自然保护区的猩猩放归中心出生。 A healthy baby Sumatran orangutan has been born at Indonesia's Jantho Nature Reserve's Orangutan Reintroduction Center in Aceh province. 这是该项目自 2011 年启动以来第七只猩猩的出生,预示着该地区该物种的恢复前景。 This is the 7th orangutan birth since the program began in 2011, indicating a promising recovery for the species in the area. 这只两周大的女性宝宝由猩猩妈妈温达所生,目前健康状况良好。 The two-week-old female baby, born to orangutan Mama Wenda, is in good health.