八岁的Tinotenda Pudu在津巴布韦危险的Matusadona游戏公园幸存了五天。 Eight-year-old Tinotenda Pudu survived five days alone in Zimbabwe's dangerous Matusadona Game Park.
8岁的男孩Tinotenda Pudu独自在津巴布韦的Matusadona游戏公园存活了五天, An 8-year-old boy, Tinotenda Pudu, survived five days alone in Zimbabwe's Matusadona Game Park, home to lions and elephants. 他在离家23公里的地方游荡,吃野果,睡在岩石高处。 He wandered 23 km from home, eating wild fruits and sleeping on a rocky perch. 当地社区成员和公园护林员利用鼓来指引他,搜寻他。 Local community members and park rangers searched for him, using drums to guide him. 突击队员在发现他的脚印后第5天发现了他 Rangers found him on the fifth day after spotting his footprints. 他的生存技巧和野性知识对于他的生存至关重要。 His survival skills and knowledge of the wild were crucial to his survival.