猩猩Kembali在2024年2月23日从多伦多动物园逃离;客人被疏散,猩猩安全返回. Orangutan Kembali escaped from Toronto Zoo on Feb 23, 2024; guests evacuated, orangutan returned safely.
猩猩Kembali在2024年2月23日从多伦多动物园的户外息地逃脱;客人被疏散,猩猩被安全地返回,没有受伤. Orangutan Kembali escaped from the Toronto Zoo's outdoor habitat on Feb 23, 2024; guests were evacuated, and the orangutan was safely returned without injury. 动物园官员正在审查录像,打电话报警作为预防措施,并在调查该事件时对客人和媒体关闭该地区。 Zoo officials are reviewing footage, calling police as a precaution, and have closed the area to guests and media while investigating the incident. 任何带视频的人都会被鼓励分享。 Anyone with video footage is encouraged to share it.