喀麦隆的保护区帮助34名孤儿黑猩猩康复,强调保护的必要性。 Sanctuary in Cameroon helps rehabilitate 34 orphaned chimps, stressing need for conservation.
国际帕帕耶为喀麦隆杜阿拉-埃迪亚国家公园三个岛屿上的孤儿黑猩猩提供避难所。 Papaye International runs a sanctuary for orphaned chimpanzees on three islands in Cameroon's Douala-Edea National Park. 因偷猎和生境损失而失去母亲的黑猩猩得到帮助,以适应半荒凉的条件。 The chimps, who have lost their mothers to poaching and habitat loss, are helped to adapt to semi-wild conditions. 工作人员每天工作以赢得34只黑猩猩的信任,目的是使他们康复。 Staff work daily to earn the trust of the 34 chimps, aiming to rehabilitate them. 专家们强调,需要继续开展养护努力,以保护该物种。 Experts stress the need for continued conservation efforts to preserve the species.