《CHIPS法》旨在刺激美国的芯片生产,但面临挑战和成本问题。 The CHIPS Act aims to boost U.S. chip production but faces challenges and cost concerns.
旨在刺激美国半导体生产和减少对外国芯片的依赖的2022年《CHIPS法》将大幅度提高国内制造业,但成本高昂。 The 2022 CHIPS Act, aimed at boosting U.S. semiconductor production and reducing reliance on foreign chips, will significantly increase domestic manufacturing but at high costs. A Peterson研究所的报告质疑该法的成本效益,建议采用芯片储存等替代办法或奖励较大库存。 A Peterson Institute report questions the law's cost-effectiveness, suggesting alternatives like chip stockpiles or incentives for larger inventories. 到2030年实现美国20%的先进芯片份额的目标面临挑战,包括劳动力和电力短缺以及来自提供慷慨税收奖励的国家的竞争。 Achieving the goal of a 20% U.S. share of advanced chips by 2030 faces challenges, including labor and electricity shortages and competition from countries offering generous tax incentives.