加拿大武装部队面临兵员短缺16 000人的问题,因此改变了招募程序。 Canadian Armed Forces faces 16,000-member shortage, introduces changes to recruitment process.
加拿大武装部队(CAF)面临严重人员短缺16 000名成员的问题,影响了其行动能力。 The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) is facing a severe personnel shortage of 16,000 members, impacting its operational capacity. 为了解决这一问题,CAF为新招募人员引入试用期,以更好地与组织价值观保持一致,并旨在提高多样性. To address this, the CAF introduced a probationary period for new recruits to better align with organizational values and aims to improve diversity. 然而,征聘和留用问题仍然存在,该进程效率低下,严格的实体标准使潜在成员望而却步。 However, recruitment and retention issues persist, with inefficiencies in the process and strict physical standards deterring potential members. 与联合王国和美国军方的类似短缺情况不同,CAF尚未对关键人员发放留用奖金。 Unlike similar shortages in the UK and US militaries, the CAF has not yet implemented retention bonuses for key personnel.