加拿大军方更新了医疗标准,允许更多具有ADHD和哮喘等条件的申请者加入。 Canadian military updates medical standards, allowing more applicants with conditions like ADHD and asthma to join.
加拿大武装部队(CAF)修订了医疗标准,不再自动取消申请人的合格资格,其条件包括ADHD、焦虑、哮喘和过敏等。 The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) has revised its medical standards to no longer automatically disqualify applicants with conditions like ADHD, anxiety, asthma, and allergies. 这些改革自1月起生效,目的是增加征聘人数,扩大柬埔寨武装部队的规模,争取达到101 500名成员的目标。 The changes, effective since January, aim to boost recruitment and increase the CAF's size toward a target of 101,500 members. 其他措施包括工具数字化和调整安全规则,希望今年实现征聘目标约6 500人。 Other measures include digitizing tools and adjusting security rules, with the hope of reaching a recruitment goal of around 6,500 this year. 该中心还努力通过提供更好的职业机会和兼顾工作与生活,改善保留率。 The CAF is also working to improve retention by offering better career opportunities and work-life balance.