Rock Spring Water Company寻求国家接管,原因是修理需要和监管问题达13.5M美元。 Rock Spring Water Company seeks state takeover due to $13.5M repair needs and regulatory issues.
Rock Spring Water Company是巴勒斯坦权力机构的一家私营公用事业公司,由于多年的忽视而陷入危机,导致1,000名客户面临供水问题。 Rock Spring Water Company, a private utility in PA, is in crisis due to years of neglect, leading to water issues for its 1,000 customers. 该公司的律师现在要求法院将业务移交给州立学院区水管理局。 Lawyers for the company are now asking a court to hand over operations to the State College Borough Water Authority. 业主J. Roy Campbell以前曾试图出售这家企业。 The owner, J. Roy Campbell, had previously tried to sell the business. 该公司面临需要修理的1 350万美元,并多次违反监管规定。 The company faces $13.5 million in needed repairs and has multiple regulatory violations.