全球民意调查显示,特朗普的第二个任期存在分歧,西方盟国持否定态度,非西方国家则持积极态度。 Global poll shows divide on Trump's second term, with Western allies negative, non-Western nations positive.
欧洲对外关系理事会最近的一项民意测验显示,全球对特朗普潜在的第二任期的反应不一。 A recent poll by the European Council on Foreign Relations shows mixed global reactions to Trump's potential second term. 但中国、俄国、印度和巴西等非西方国家则更乐观。 While US allies in Europe and South Korea view it negatively, non-Western countries like China, Russia, India, and Brazil are more optimistic. 调查显示,西方正在“削弱”,并转向更加交易性的世界秩序,即各国注重自身利益。 The survey suggests a "weakening of the West" and a shift towards a more transactional world order where countries focus on their own interests.