人权监察站警告特朗普的总统可能会将侵犯人权行为全球化。 Human Rights Watch warns Trump's presidency could globalize human rights violations.
人权监察站警告说,唐纳德·特朗普返回白宫可能会危及全世界的自由,从他第一个任期开始,侵犯人权的情况就会重演和恶化。 Human Rights Watch warns that Donald Trump's return to the White House could endanger freedoms worldwide, repeating and worsening human rights violations from his first term. 该组织的《世界报告》着重指出了全球专制主义、镇压和冲突的抬头,同时也指出了民主复原力的时刻。 The organization's World Report highlights a rise in authoritarianism, repression, and conflict globally, while noting moments of democratic resilience. 它批评政府未能保护人权,并呼吁对普遍权利作出更强有力的承诺。 It criticizes governments for failing to protect human rights and calls for stronger commitments to universal rights.