科威特和卡塔尔向叙利亚派出援助航班,运送70吨人道主义物资。 Kuwait and Qatar send aid flights to Syria, delivering 70 tonnes of humanitarian supplies.
科威特和卡塔尔各自向叙利亚增派了援助航班,共运送70吨人道主义用品,包括粮食和医疗援助,以帮助弱势民众。 Kuwait and Qatar have each sent additional aid flights to Syria, delivering a combined 70 tonnes of humanitarian supplies, including food and medical aid, to help the vulnerable population. 科威特的第二批货物包括33吨的供应品,而卡塔尔的第五次航班带来了37吨的粮食援助。 Kuwait's second shipment included 33 tonnes of supplies, while Qatar's fifth flight brought 37 tonnes of food aid. 两国承诺通过持续的空运支持叙利亚,以解决该国的人道主义危机。 Both countries are committed to supporting Syria through ongoing airlifts to address the country's humanitarian crisis.