约旦向叙利亚运送300吨援助,包括食品和医疗用品,以支持叙利亚家庭。 Jordan sends 300 tons of aid to Syria, including food and medical supplies, to support Syrian families.
约旦向叙利亚派遣了人道主义援助车队,包括300吨粮食、医疗用品、毯子和取暖用品,以支持贫困家庭。 Jordan sent a humanitarian aid convoy to Syria, including 300 tons of food, medical supplies, blankets, and heating items, to support impoverished families. 约旦哈希姆慈善组织和约旦武装部队协调向阿拉伯叙利亚红新月会运送物资。 The Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization and Jordan Armed Forces coordinated the delivery to the Syrian Arab Red Crescent. 该倡议的目的是在叙利亚面临挑战的情况下加强约旦-叙利亚关系。 This initiative aims to strengthen Jordanian-Syrian relations amid Syria's challenging circumstances.