卡塔尔向贝鲁特运送援助物资,通过空中桥梁行动支持黎巴嫩的人道主义危机。 Qatar delivers aid to Beirut, supporting Lebanon's humanitarian crisis through an air bridge operation.
作为卡塔尔在人道主义危机期间持续支持黎巴嫩的一部分,卡塔尔一架军用飞机向贝鲁特机场提供了援助,包括救济用品和住所材料。 A Qatari military plane has delivered aid, including relief supplies and shelter materials, to Beirut's airport as part of Qatar's ongoing support for Lebanon during its humanitarian crisis. 卡塔尔大使馆和难民署的工作人员收到了援助。 The aid was received by staff from Qatar's embassy and the UNHCR. 这是卡塔尔空中桥梁行动的一部分,这项行动是与难民署合作帮助黎巴嫩人民的。 This delivery is part of Qatar's air bridge operation, a collaborative effort with the UNHCR to assist the Lebanese people.