埃及自阿萨德下台以来,第一次向叙利亚提供援助,运送15吨物资。 Egypt sends aid to Syria for first time since Assad's ouster, delivering 15 tons of supplies.
埃及向大马士革派遣了一架救援飞机,自叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德下台以来,首次运送了15吨人道主义援助物资。 Egypt has sent a relief plane to Damascus, delivering 15 tons of humanitarian aid for the first time since the ouster of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. 这批货物由埃及红新月会提供,包括食品、药品和其他用品,是叙利亚阿拉伯红新月会接收的。 The shipment, provided by the Egyptian Red Crescent, includes food, medicine, and other supplies, and was received by the Syrian Arab Red Crescent. 这一援助是在叙利亚持续内战和经济挑战的背景下提供的。 This aid comes amid Syria's ongoing civil war and economic challenges.