San Diego公园汉塔病毒的鹿鼠测试呈阳性;卫生官员发布清洁建议。 Deer mouse tests positive for hantavirus in San Diego park; health officials issue cleaning advisories.
2025年1月,San Diego's Cuyamaca Rancho国家公园的一只鹿鼠检测到汉塔病毒呈阳性,这是一种罕见的、可能致命的疾病。 In January 2025, a deer mouse in San Diego's Cuyamaca Rancho State Park tested positive for hantavirus, a rare and potentially fatal disease. 尽管人类与受感染的鼠类动物之间的直接接触并不常见,但如果从干鼠类废物中吸入病毒,则可能发生接触。 Though direct contact between humans and infected rodents is uncommon, exposure can occur when the virus is inhaled from dried rodent waste. 没有治疗方法, 所以卫生官员建议使用“湿清洁”方法清理老鼠粪便, 封堵家中的洞口, 并在怀疑接触时寻求医疗帮助。 There is no cure, so health officials advise using "wet cleaning" methods to clean up rodent droppings, sealing holes in homes, and seeking medical help if exposure is suspected.