首次在坎宁安湖的内布拉斯加州蚊子中发现詹姆斯敦峡谷病毒,该病毒通过受感染的白尾鹿传播给人类。 1st detection of Jamestown Canyon virus in Nebraska mosquitoes at Cunningham Lake, transmitted to humans via infected white-tailed deer.
内布拉斯加州首次发现由蚊子传播的罕见詹姆斯敦峡谷病毒,并在坎宁安湖的蚊子样本中得到证实。 Rare mosquito-borne Jamestown Canyon virus found in Nebraska for the first time, confirmed in samples from mosquitoes at Cunningham Lake. 病毒通过叮咬过受感染的白尾鹿的蚊子叮咬传播给人类,人类是“死胡同”宿主,无法将病毒传播给蚊子或其他人。 Transmitted to humans through bites of mosquitoes that have bitten infected white-tailed deer, humans are "dead-end" hosts and cannot spread the virus to mosquitoes or others. 症状范围包括发烧的流感样疾病到脑膜炎等严重的神经系统疾病。 Symptoms can range from flu-like illness with fever to severe neurological conditions such as meningitis.