香港推出举措,将少数族裔纳入公共服务角色。 Hong Kong introduces initiatives to integrate ethnic minorities into public service roles.
香港的少数民族占人口的8.4%,他们在公共服务领域找到了更多的机会,因为该市旨在支持少数民族融入社会。 Hong Kong's ethnic minorities, making up 8.4% of the population, are finding more opportunities in public services as the city aims to support their integration. 少数族裔照料小组和消防局青年发展小组等倡议为年轻居民开辟了职业道路。 Initiatives like the Ethnic Minority Care Teams and the Fire Services Department's youth development team have opened career paths for younger residents. Rizwan Ullah是区理事会成员和副校长,也是从这些努力中受益的人之一,激励其他人发挥公共服务作用。 Rizwan Ullah, a district council member and vice principal, is among those benefiting from these efforts, inspiring others to pursue public service roles.