萨尼亚市议会启动了修订后的多元化培训。 Sarnia city council initiated revised diversity training.
萨尼亚市议会最近开始了多样化的培训,试图更好地认识和促进社区的包容性。 Sarnia city council recently began diverse training in an attempt to better recognize and promote inclusiveness in their community. 此前,上一轮培训引发了争议并遭到公开谴责。 This comes after a previous round of training resulted in controversy and a public reprimand. 负责监督当前培训的福尔曼注意到前任的失误,并采取了截然不同的方法。 Foreman, who oversaw the current training, was mindful of her predecessor's missteps and took a much different approach. 她特别避免角色扮演,而是专注于了解法律合规性和识别歧视行为。 She specifically avoided role-plays and instead focused on understanding legal compliance and recognizing discriminatory actions.