中国在全球绿色技术制造中占主导地位,引起美国和欧洲对安全和依赖性的担忧。 China dominates global green tech manufacturing, raising US and Europe's concerns over security and dependency.
中国领导全球绿色技术制造,预测到2030年全世界新可再生能源能力60%将来自中国。 China leads global green technology manufacturing, with predictions that 60% of new renewable energy capacity worldwide through 2030 will come from China. 这种在风力涡轮机、太阳能电池板、电动车辆和电池方面的主导地位,使美国和欧洲在对低成本中国技术的需求与安全风险之间取得平衡面临挑战。 This dominance in wind turbines, solar panels, electric vehicles, and batteries challenges the US and Europe to balance their need for low-cost Chinese technology with security risks. 专家们建议鼓励中国分享知识产权,加强技术检查,以减少风险,同时推进气候目标。 Experts recommend encouraging China to share intellectual property and enhancing tech inspections to mitigate risks while advancing climate goals.