包括美国在内的富裕国家拒绝在反移民情绪不断上升的情况下接纳更多的难民。 Wealthy nations, including the U.S., reject more refugees amid rising anti-immigrant sentiments.
包括美国在内的富裕国家日益拒绝难民,尽管需要重新安置的难民增加了20%。 Wealthy nations, including the U.S., are increasingly rejecting refugees despite a 20% rise in those needing resettlement. 当选总统特朗普计划大规模驱逐和减少保护,刺激反移民情绪和极右党派的崛起。 President-elect Trump plans mass deportations and reduced protections, fueling anti-immigrant sentiments and the rise of far-right parties. 向第三国提供庇护是常见现象,但违反庇护法。 Offshoring asylum to third countries is common but violates asylum laws. 专家们建议为寻求庇护者扩大国内基础设施可能有所帮助。 Experts suggest expanding domestic infrastructure for asylum seekers could help.