移民正在返回家园,这受到特朗普统治下美国边境安全更加严格的看法的影响。 Migrants are returning home, influenced by perceptions of stricter U.S. border security under Trump.
由于美国认为边境安全措施更加严格,移徙者正在返回自己的祖国。 Migrants are returning to their home countries due to perceived stricter U.S. border security measures. 两个团体共49名来自中美洲和南美洲国家的人,在通过社交媒体和家人接触了解边境安全得到加强后,又转身返回。 Two groups, totaling 49 people from Central and South American countries, turned back after learning about enhanced border security through social media and family contacts. 这表明特朗普总统关于边境管制的政策正在影响移民决定非法进入美国。 This suggests that President Trump's policies on border control are affecting migrant decisions to enter the U.S. illegally.