孟加拉国的军官获得延长的执法权力60天,以恢复秩序。 Military officers in Bangladesh gain extended law enforcement powers for 60 days to restore order.
孟加拉国政府从1月14日起将特别执行治安法官的权力扩大到军官,包括海岸警卫队和边防警卫队的军官,又延长了60天。 The Bangladeshi government has extended special executive magistrate powers to military officers, including those in the Coast Guard and Border Guard, for an additional 60 days starting January 14. 根据《刑事诉讼法》赋予的这项权力允许这些警官维持法律和秩序,包括签发逮捕令和搜查令。 This power, granted under the Code of Criminal Procedure, allows these officers to maintain law and order, including issuing arrest and search warrants. 延长任期的目的是在上届政府倒台后帮助恢复稳定。 The extension aims to help restore stability following the previous government's fall.